
Rato do campo

The truth is that mice in general don’t live very long. However, this does not mean that you should not request a rodent check if you see any signs of infestation. Despite their short lifespan, they mature very quickly and can do a lot of damage in a short period of time.

How long do mice live in the wild vs as pets?

In their natural habitat, rodents live between 6 to 18 months, as they are much more vulnerable to diseases and predators. As pets and, because they are protected from predators and have access to veterinary care and a constant source of food, they can live up to approximately 2 years.

What are the most common causes of death in mice?

In the wild, mice are more likely to be killed by predators. However, these are extremely susceptible to developing chronic medical conditions that can be life-threatening, such as kidney disease and cancer. In fact, rodents are used to research diseases such as cancer, in part because they are biologically similar to humans and are affected by many diseases in common. Although mice live close to only 2 years, the truth is that they love to make their nests in human homes. This makes their exposure to predators less frequent and their access to food and water more plentiful.

Why is it essential that you bet on rodent control instead of waiting for them to die?

Some people believe that because this species lives for a maximum of 2 years, infestations end up resolving on their own, with time and patience. However, they couldn’t be more wrong. The truth is that those first mice that originally entered your home will die within a maximum period of 2 years, but in the meantime they will reproduce and give birth to hundreds of litters during that period. If you do nothing at the first sign of an infestation, within a few months you could have thousands of tiny rodents doing significant damage to your home and exposing you to serious illness.

Don’t delay any longer and hire a company specializing in mouse control.

Call us today at 800 20 20 50 and solve your problem. Truly Nolen is the solution!

Know more about rats here.
